Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Looking For A Merchant Account?

I've just come across a new (well new to me anyway!) Merchant Account/Credit Card Processor called Advantage Processors (http://www.advantageprocessors.com) and, as I know that many of you are like me and always on the lookout for new methods of accepting payment, I thought I'd share this info with you.

Basically Advantage Processors provide low cost online credit card processing Merchant Accounts for both low risk and High Risk businesses. They claim that they can generally find a merchant account solution for almost anyone including adult/dating sites, legal gaming sites, debt/collection agencies, etc. If you're working from home and are looking for a solution to accepting payments by telephone/mail/online then I would check out their website for further details.

There is a link on the Advantage Processors website which takes you to an online application form for a Merchant Account. This link also includes a Tutorial for Merchant Account Processing which is interesting in itself as it includes such topics as how to get the best rates for credit card processing and tips on lowering Chargeback fees, so it's well worth taking a look just to pick up some useful information on the subject.

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